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#StreamTeam: Using Netflix to Teach Life Lessons

#StreamTeam: Using Netflix to Teach Life Lessons

This month has been one for the books. From having every single sick in our household sick for at least a week to dealing with emotional outbursts from a three and seven-year-old who are still understanding the meaning of their emotions and how to address them.

From learning to be respectful to following rules to sibling rivalry, learning responsibility and self-love. Discussing any of these topics with a seven and three-year-old is hard on a good day.

It is never easy explaining to a three-year-old that life does not revolve around them, and to respect other people’s things. And it most definitely doesn’t get easier with a seven-year-old who believes he has a right to demand things and not be held accountable for misbehaving or being disrespectful.

But thankfully what has helped us in this area is Netflix’s variety of family-friendly shows that explore all these life issues and more. Yes, streaming kids programming has helped both my boys understand and better process their feelings and emotions and even understand how others feel as well. It has been the best learning tool and conversation starter at our disposal.

Shows like the ones listed below have been a great help in finding ways to get their questions answered without overwhelming them in the process.

Sitting with them and following their lead has taken some of the work and stress out of addressing a lot of these issues. They are not solved, by any stretch of the imagination, but am glad that a variety of children's programming addresses real-life situations.

#StreamTeam: Trading my Own Drama To Binge-watch Someone Else’s

#StreamTeam: Trading my Own Drama To Binge-watch Someone Else’s

4 Ways To Prep For A Stress-Free Move

4 Ways To Prep For A Stress-Free Move