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#StreamTeam: How I Used Netflix As My Summer Learning Tool

I have a confession to make. My kids did most of their summer learning on Netflix, and I loved it!

Sure, my son was given a summer reading and math packet to complete before the first day of school, which he got through it without batting an eye. But he wanted more. We started by being outdoors as much as possible and taking in as much vitamin D as we could. It continued with trips to museums, and parks, zoos in and around NYC. My goal was for them to love adventure and embrace the different ways to learn and take in new things.

Then on the days when it rained or the heat was just unbearable, we stayed in and learned with Netflix. Creating projects around their favorite educational shows.

With Octonauts, we learned about vampire squid, porcupine pufferfish, and other creatures.

Word Party became an instant favorite for my youngest who started learning new words through cuddly animals and dancing. The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show taught us about Ponce de Leon, Mozart and the Wright Brothers among others. 


And The Deep took us to the unexplored and mysterious depths of the ocean.


Not all screen time is bad is bad for kids. In fact, for my boys who are seven and three, Netflix has done an extraordinary job creating quality educational content that actively engages their mind and encourages them to ask questions. Netflix, I believe has provided families with opportunities to continue the conversation and for them to never stop learning.  

Disclosure: I am a Netflix Stream Team Member. Opinions are 100% my own.

#FiOSNY: How to Never Miss Your Favorite Show

#FiOSNY: How to Never Miss Your Favorite Show

#FiOSNY: Take Advantage of Non-stop Entertainment Options

#FiOSNY: Take Advantage of Non-stop Entertainment Options