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#StreamTeam: LEGO Bionicle and LEGO Friends Makes for Interesting Conversation

#StreamTeam: LEGO Bionicle and LEGO Friends Makes for Interesting Conversation

Disclosure: I am part of the #StreamTeam for Netflix, all thoughts my own

Every week, my family and I have family movie night. This is where my husband and I let the boys choose a movie or show of their liking without arguments or tantrums. Thing is, we have been on the losing side of this democratic process as both the three and seven year old have repeatedly been watching favorites like, Peabody and Sherman, DinoTrux, Dawn of the Croods, Dragons Race to the Edge and The Adventures of Puss in Boots.

Excited to watch something new, I put myself in charge of watching the latest shows which were two awesome new shows debuting from LEGO.

LEGO Bionicle and LEGO Friends didn’t disappoint and became instant hits!

And after spending time watching the series (we are on our second run now), we have been able to have conversations about friendships, respect, to which the seven year old took a page out of my book of , treating people how you would like to be treated is important. To thinking about what would one do if a hero found themselves on a quest to defeat the forces of evil.

Because you never know, right?!

#BetterMatters: Connecting To Make A Difference

#FiOSNY: Paying It Forward Through Rewards+