The Wired Family

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2016 Will Be My Year to Live In the Moment And Without Interruptions

Ah, a New Year means a fresh start.

For me, before I begin to think of what I want out of this year, I choose a mantra that will define the next twelve months.

A simple sentence that will be my starting point to the new adventures my family and I will embark on. And what I have chosen for 2016 is simply, living in the moment without interruptions.

Last year had its ups and downs, more downs that I would like to admit, but all with lessons learned.

And the biggest takeaway from the previous year was one that will require me to take better care of myself. To dedicate the time and put in the work to becoming the best version of myself and be able to be fully present where it matters.

So with that, my first order of business, is to get back to what I love, which is to read. I have given myself a goal of reading 52 books this year or 1 book a week and finally get through the books that have been piling up on my bookshelf and around my desk.

Why a book a week? Because I am a creature who loves to learn. And in the past twelve months, I don’t feel like I learned much outside of having to overcome challenges faced through my son’s learning disability. And because I don’t remember the last book I read.

So in providing my brain some much needed mental stimulation, focus and concentration (which has been shot to hell primarily due to mommy brain) here are the four books I am tackled this month.

  1. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo- Because clutter makes my brain hurt and leaves me unbalanced. And all I want is to create a space free of unnecessary 'stuff' which will result in cleaning up less.
  2. The Woman I Wanted to Be by Diane von Furstenberg - Being from NYC, I remember hearing about Diane and her iconic wrap dress. And am interested in learning about the influential, admired career woman and fashion powerhouse.
  3. Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng- I love a real page turner and after reading a sample, I am excited to get started and find out more about Lydia's death.
  4. The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler - Because all families go through rough patches, my husband, and I want to be able to have more options in our parenting arsenal for our boys who are as different as night and day.