The Wired Family

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Ask The Expert: Let Me Help You Find The Best Apps For Your Budgeting Needs

Is saving money in 2014 on the top of your resolutions list?

It is always on the top of mine as I am always finding different ways to integrate technology into my family budget.

Cutting costs and saving money are the two main components of my family budget.  As a life-long New Yorker raising two boys in the concrete jungle, it means always being on the go and always finding ways to entertain them without breaking the bank.

Both my husband and I have made it our mission to provide our boys with lifelong memories and not lifelong money problems. And what better way to show them fiscal responsibility than through the medium they are growing up with, technology.

There are a great number of Android and iOS applications created specifically to help you to organize your money and show you exactly where it is going. Applications that will help you take charge of your finances and keep the money in your wallet where it belongs.

With that, I am beyond honored to announce my involvement in Mi Cricket’s Ask The Expert series where I will be answering your questions about budgeting applications.

So if you want to know which apps you should use to make sure you are staying within your budget, have enough money in your vacation fund or simply have all of your credit card balances in one place I can help.

Ask me your questions via Twitter and Facebook (using the #CricketConsejos hashtag) or in the comments sections below starting today through Wednesday.

I will answer all of your questions and provide you helpful tips to get your family budget in order.

For more information follow Mi Cricket on Twitter and Facebook.