
Welcome to my blog. This is where I provide family tech tips, reviews and resources for parents and families. Hope you have a nice stay! 


4 Lessons All Kids Should Get Out of Technology

4 Lessons All Kids Should Get Out of Technology

Have you stopped to ask yourself, what your kids are getting out of technology?

What role does this tool play as they are growing up digital?

Although these questions do not keep me up at night, I wonder what my post-millennial generation boys will get out of a tool that has the power to do so much but very few fully understand.

Tech use for us as a family is not about spending gobs of money purchasing that shiny new gadget. For us, it is so much more than that. It is about raising good digital citizens in a world where instant fame gets more praise than hard work and effort.

The fundamental lessons my husband and I are teaching our boys to make sure they fully understand the workings of the web through coding. And the most important lesson of all is to teach them about privacy. To respect their own and the privacy of those they interact with.

We are hoping as our boys grow; they will see technology as a tool that will give them a clear vision of the opportunities it can offer them. I am hoping they will use technology as a means to make a difference, and not as a void to fill the time in between trends.

In this day, where everything happens instantly, it is easy to get lost in the day-to-day absurdities of the web. And as parents we are fighting the good fight in instilling age-appropriate tech use in our boys hopefully with the knowledge we provide them, they will:

  1. Raise awareness to make a difference
  2. Start conversations to drive change
  3. Take actions to find answers
  4. Use power and influence to impact others

But to make any of the above happen, we must see technology as a powerful tool that can affect change and should not be wasted.

#StreamTeam: 8 Family-Friendly Halloween Movies to Watch On Netflix

#StreamTeam: 8 Family-Friendly Halloween Movies to Watch On Netflix

4 Reasons Parents Should Embrace Technology

4 Reasons Parents Should Embrace Technology