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Verizon FiOS: Get The 411 Right from Your Remote

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Verizon FiOS, all opinions are my own. 

Over the years, Verizon FiOS has been improving their product line to accommodate their customers increasing demand on quality programming, pricing and Internet speeds.

With more of us taking to our digital devices to watch our favorites TV shows and movies, Verizon FiOS has taken it up a notch by providing up with Visual 411.

First released in the Dallas, TX area, Visual 411 is now available in markets throughout the U.S including: New York , New Jersey, Maryland, District of Columbia, California, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia and the rest of Texas.

Visual 411 is a FiOS TV widget that makes it easier to search for businesses locally or across the country. Save money and time by getting business listings, coupons, directions, locations maps, reviews and much more all from your TV remote or smartphone app!

Accessing the widget is super easy, it is as easy as:

  1. Heading to the FiOS TV widgets home screen
  2. Scrolling down to the Visual 411 application
  3. Selecting it and giving it a try

And that's it. Love the simplicity of the widget and all I can access with the push of a button.

image source: Verizon FiOS



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